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The Creation
If I Stay Too Long / Nightmares
Polydor NH 59 119 - 1967
Painter Man + other artists
JukeBox JSEP-5563-1967
Making Time /
Try And Stop Me
Sonet T 8262
Painter Man / Biff Bang Pow
Sonet T 8265 - 1967
Making Time /
Try And Stop Me
Hit-Ton HT 300008 - 1966
Painter Man / Biff Bang Pow
Hit-Ton HT 300 073 - 1967
Tom Tom / Nightmares
Hit-Ton HT 300 102 - 1967
How Does It Feel To Feel /
If I Stay To Long
Hit-Ton HT 300 121 - 1967
Cool Jerk /
Life Is Just Beginning
Hit-Ton HT 300 152 - 1967
Midway Down /
The Girls Are Naked
Hit-Ton HT 300 179 - 1968
Bonney Moroney /
Mercy Mercy Mercy
Hit-Ton HT 300 210 - 1968
For All That I Am / Uncle Bert
Hit-Ton 300 235 - 1969
Painter Man / Tom Tom
United Artists 36 208 AT - 1977
Painter Man / Tom Tom / Cool Jerk
Line OLS 1095 - 1983
Making Time / Biff Bang Pow / Try And Stop Me / Sylvette
Vogue INT 18098 - 1966
Tom Tom / If I Stay Too Long
/ Can I Join Your Band /
Vogue INT 18 144 - 1966
Painterman / Got My Mojo Workin' / That's How Strong My Love Is / Sylvette
LCD 104 - 1982
Painter Man / Biff Bang Pow
Vogue HV 2079 - 1967
Tom Tom / Nightmares
Vogue HV 2093 - 1967
Making Time / Painter Man
Raw 4 - 1977
Making Time / Uncle Bert
Edsel E 5006 - 1984
A Spirit Called Love / Making Time
Jet 7047 - 1987
Creation / Shock Horror
Creation CRE 200 - 1994
The Singles Box Set
11 x 7" - Edsel Records - CREATIONBXRSD - 2014
How Does It Feel To Feel / If I Stay To Long
Hit-Ton HT 300 121 - 2008
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